IKETH Annual Conference 2020
Dear members and friends of IKETH, We are delighted to inform you that our next annual conference 2020 will be held from 12-14 June 2020...

Religious Tourism and Theology
Our member of the Board, Msc. Naida Huskanovic, will present the paper about religious objects as tourist attractions at the...
New President of EPIL Elected
Our IKETH Board member and former EFECW Co President 2006 – 2014, Martina Heinrichs has recently been elected as President into the EPIL...

Our Common Beliefs: the Meanings of Peace, Togetherness and Neighborhood"
The member of our Board, Naida Huskanovic, holding the Master of Social Sciences in Religious Studies from the University of Sarajevo in...

“Now choose life, change our ways and actions”
2018 was a special year for the ICFLC International Committee for the Fellowship of the Least Coin Annual Meeting because it was linked –...

IKETH Annual Conference 26-29 April 2018, Omis, Croatia
Sharing lives, love and security. Transforming relationships in changing societies IKETH Conference April 26th-29th 2017 Experiences…...

The next annual conference is already coming up in a couple of months: April 2018. To prepare all the details the board has met several...