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The next annual conference is already coming up in a couple of months: April 2018. To prepare all the details the board has met several times. First in Huissen (The Netherlands) and next in Salzburg, the town where Ursula lives and works. Unfortunately Naida couldn’t be with us, so just Martina and me went by train to Salzburg.

For me it was the first time to go to this beautiful place. My family originally comes from Austria, so it is always a special feeling to see all the mountains. We were staying in an old seminarium called Borromäum near the center, which in the evening was completely deserted and quiet. I was a little spooked in the evening when we arrived but the next morning I was really impressed.

We had two full days to meet and there was a lot to be done. We have asked the different speakers, worked on the fundraising and added to the website. The website was put together over the last months by our wonderfull board member Naida.

The biggest problem though was being officially inscribed as a board and that way getting access to the money on the bank account. This has given us a lot of stress, because we are still not 100% sure if the next annual conference can take place … we will keep you posted.

In the evening hours there was time to relax a little bit and do some sightseeing. The last night my hopes came true, and it started snowing heavily. Wow… how beautiful! This gave the ‘Christkindlmarkt’ which started just a week before even more atmosphere. Looking forward to seeing everyone in the summer!

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