IKETH Annual Conference 2020

Dear members and friends of IKETH,
We are delighted to inform you that our next annual conference 2020 will be held from 12-14 June 2020 and hosted by Islamic community of Penzberg, near Munich in Germany.
The venue of our next conference is moved to this hotel on Starnberger see near Munich,
Marina Bernried GmbHAm Yachthafen 1-1582347 Bernried
with daily trips to our host - Islamic community in Penzberg.
TITLE OF THE CONFERENCE:"The role of women in Christianity, Islam, and Judaism – revisiting and updating an ‘old’ discussion"
Full information with agenda and booking details (and scholarships) will be shortly sent to your e-mail (members) or
please contact us if you are interested to register your participation at the conference via e-mail:
We are looking forward to hear from you!
Best regards, IKETH