New President of EPIL Elected

Our IKETH Board member and former EFECW Co President 2006 – 2014, Martina Heinrichs has recently been elected as President into the EPIL board along with Vice President Dr. Sabiha Husić from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Rev. Barbara Heyse-Schaefer from Austria and Dr. Emel Topçu from Turkey. Former EFECW Co President 1998 - 2006 Catherine Gyarmathy is EPIL contact person for finances.
EPIL stands for European Project of Interreligious Learning. It is a travelling study course for Christian and Muslim Women. It’s her-story goes back to the beginning of this century when Reinhild Traitler and Teny Pirri-Simonian, both Honorary Presidents, started the project in the Boldern Academy in cooperation with the World Council of Churches in Switzerland. An international team worked out the curriculum, and up to now four study courses have taken place. At the moment the participating countries are Austria, Bosnia Herzegovina, the Netherlands and Turkey. We are open to new partnering members.
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